The Father's Heart Revealed By Kristi Highwalker
What is your Mode of Operation By Kristi Highwalker
2014 is the Year of Deliverance, the. The Maturing of Age. And the defining of Modes of Operations out of the will and Character of the Father. Number 20= Redemption 14 is used in the bible 22 times and speaks of = 14 multiple of 7 , 14 partakes of its importance, and beginning doubled that # implies a double measure of Spiritual Perfection. The Year 2014 is related to the type and shadow of the life of:
What is your Mode of Operation Man's will VS Gods Will In 2014 this will be very point blank, There will be great Exchanges in record numbers come forth in all veins of exchange. It is a time of which Deliverance , Covenant , Order and the Fathers Character is a MUST. The Father spoke to be and he said: There is an Alignment for the Assignment, for his released Double Gatherings, He is sending deliverance light in the darkness, The Earth is groaning for the SON's of God to rise! It is a time in which all flesh must die, so the Spirit can multiple ( dying to be able to multiply Unless a seed first fall into the ground and dye it cannot multiply) Flesh: 2nd Cor 10:3-5 We cannot operate in emotion in the I feel mode of Operation, But out of the Will of God Mode of Operation. and cast down anything that will exalt itself against this knowledge of God his will. We must lay down our wills, and pick up his will, Break the this isn't suppose to happen mindset. We've set our minds in Stone and it can't be, we hold not the pattern of life and purpose, the father does. Renew your mind. You have got to get rid of the why's and isn't s in your life they bring a defeated mindset! Problems are just preparations for the Power ( covenant) of God to show off in your life! You must CHOOSE to go through the process: IF you so choose to go through the process in HIS MODE of operation, the Results are this: You will be who God says you are, do what God says you will do, and have what God says you will have. BUT: Your Attitude in the process = the Key Factor Entire Process of grweth and fulfillment hinges on the way you choose to deal with life's trouble-trial-and times of transitions. Listen the way you choose to deal with your trial depends on where you go next!!!! And your character MUST go into transformation into his character and will. And Character is built and it is developed By: Challenges', sufferings - Trials -temptations, it is made mature by approved faith and tried integrity, The word in _____ Tells us rejoice when we fall into fiery trials Remember the battle is not yours, 2nd Chron 20:17, the choice to trust and allow God to take you through is, and the attitude which you use = key to your forward motion and fulfilled MO Paul in Eph 3:14-19 V16* pray that you would be strengthened. not weakened! Mode of Operation( method of functioning& operating,-techniques-tactics-methods-procedures-process-approach-) This is the year of the deliverance of the WILLS! It is the WILL of the FATHER that shall rise in this hour, it shall be brought forth in clear sight, from a repentive pure heart comes a clear vision. commercial on bus and vision a little clarity goes a long ways. The sight of the will of the Father brings clarity to the fog of the flesh. It is a time we must know the will of the Father, we MUST really Know HIM and LIVE IN him, and his presence, WE MUST TRULY be built on the foundation of HIS most innerness alive in us! The bone marrow per say of The Lord in us... Her e should be the cry of our hearts in this times of Maturing of the Ages: Father according to Prov 30:8: Give me not poverty or riches but food of which I have need of. and according to 1 st peter 4:2 that he ( I ) should no longer live the rest of his time in the flesh to the lust of men but to the WILL OF GOD. Father I willing fully go upon a Diet of the Flesh and i except the appetite of the Lord to be manifested unto me. **It is time for the will of the father for our hearts to be as Jesus, fully saying NOT THEY will but they will be done Oh Lord on Earth as it is in Heaven through me! I submit ME unto your Spirit, your leading, your will. To Your Mode of Operation which is founded and Laid out of your Character and Covenant. Listen Character and Covenant; They are the legs( forward motion) and Mouth & Heart of your destiny and vision the very electrical power of forward motion, In the Fathers Mode of Operation... So you have been being brought forth into Character Building Opportunities ( Romans 5:1-11) in 2014 the year of deliverance and double Spiritual perfection, all the promise designed for 14 unfolds through Only the Fathers MODE of OPERATION. It is vital he builds Overcomers. He is in his MO building Renewed Covenant and Character which shall be unshakable = when Rev 2:26 come in building his Overcomers that cannot be shaken and rattled or overtaken in the hour of the crumbling world and darkness around us. FEAR NOT the crumble FEAR the LORD! The Father is out of his love and compassion and desire for the greatness he destined for your lives, he is showing you places your MO needs changed. It's a pattern the enemy has profiled on you and if you do not change to the Fathers MO you will be defeated, when your appointed for Victory! In 2014 It is Vital you have a teachable Spirit. Isa 48:17 You must be taught by him and lead by him and his techquies, his MO, his process, his manor of working for Victory of the Times... Fathers MO: Operates out of : unconditional love and forgiveness, compassion, joy no records of wrong. stability, giving, blessing, Agreement, (Luke 6:27-40, Amos 3:3, ) It is unchangeable, circumstances hold no power over it, and neither can yours be! You cannot change your MO by right or wrong done to you or by life experiences you must refuse to move out of the fathers MO you must understand this: The Enemy's MODE OF OPERATION. hate-destruction-failure-revenge-instability-Record of wrongs- death-taking- cursing-doubt- unbelief- He has trapped the children of God into his MO by fleshly patterns and desires, and by immaturity within them, Is to destroy the WILL of the Father in the Lives of the SONs of God. He is what we today would call a Criminal Profiler. He profiles you... He looks at your MO.... He finds what your patterns are, what your techniques are your methods of actions and functions how you process things, all this so he can profile you, see he don't know the future except that the looses.. He can't read the future he can read your pattern your profile your past. This is why the important of coming forth in the Correct MO this year for this year I believe sets a course for the days ahead... Not only for us but for the Generations for the year 14 is linked to Generations. We must change our mentality towards the Mode of Operations to be like Jacob - David - Jesus it was their only focus to fulfill and follow exactly in excellence the Will the M-O, no matter the cost even unto death. Say this with me: I refuse to exchange Kingdom MO for Satan's! Lord spoke to me: In my core / in my MO you shall find they are ones of great anointing, and ones of excellence, of great influence, and authority, who refuse to compromise. And whom you shall find with great courage, and ability to be different!!!!! For my MO is different... This will be a major sign of this move of my awakening and reformation, there will be great things of DIFFERENCE (KINGDOM MO) and this arising will cause this core generation to be exalted by God, they will trust God with all in them, and will be found drawing many to them. Because of their stability in a crumbling world. ( this stability is found in them because my WILL is STABLE and My will is my MO) it is my word and my will that returns not Void! I have come today to cause Jerm 32:38-41 to be manifested in your lives! 38;And they will be My People and I will be their God And I will give them one heart and one way, they may reverently fear me forever for the good of themselves and of their children after them. And I will make and everlasting covenant with them: I will not turn away from following them to do them good, and I will put my reverential fear in their hearts, so that they will not depart from me. Yes i will rejoice over them to do them good, and I will plant them in this land assuredly and in truth with my whole heart and with my whole. Eph 1:5-18 keys on 5,10,17,18 this sums up 2014. 5 For He foreordained us (destined us, planned in love for us) to be adopted (revealed) as His own children through Jesus Christ, in accordance with the purpose of His will [because it pleased Him and was His kind intent] -- 6[So that we might be] to the praise and the commendation of His glorious grace (favor and mercy), which He so freely bestowed on us in the Beloved. 7 In Him we have redemption (deliverance and salvation) through His blood, the remission (forgiveness) of our offenses (shortcomings and trespasses), in accordance with the riches and the generosity of His gracious favor, 8 Which He lavished upon us in every kind of wisdom and understanding (practical insight and prudence), 9 Making known to us the mystery (secret) of His will (of His plan, of His purpose). [And it is this:] In accordance with His good pleasure (His merciful intention) which He had previously purposed and set forth in Him, 10[He planned] for the maturity of the times and the climax of the ages to unify all things and head them up and consummate them in Christ, [both] things in heaven and things on the earth. 11 In Him we also were made [God's] heritage (portion) and we obtained an inheritance; for we had been foreordained (chosen and appointed beforehand) in accordance with His purpose, Who works out everything in agreement with the counsel and design of His [own] will, must return to our 1st love 12 So that we who first hoped in Christ [who first put our confidence in Him have been destined and appointed to] live for the praise of His glory! 13 In Him you also who have heard the Word of Truth, the glad tidings (Gospel) of your salvation, and have believed in and adhered to and relied on Him, were stamped with the seal of the long-promised Holy Spirit. 14 That [Spirit] is the guarantee of our inheritance [the firstfruits, the pledge and foretaste, the down payment on our heritage], in anticipation of its full redemption and our acquiring [complete] possession of it — to the praise of His glory. 15 For this reason, because I have heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love toward all the saints (the people of God), 16 I do not cease to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers. 17[For I always pray to] the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, that He may grant you a spirit of wisdom and revelation [of insight into mysteries and secrets] in the [deep and intimate] knowledge of Him, 18 By having the eyes of your heart flooded with light, so that you can know and understand the hope to which he has called you, and how rich is Hig Glorious Inheritance in the saints ( his set apart ones) As our Wills align the Vision appointed times will be seen clearly! Hab 2:3 For the vision is yet for an appointed time it hastens to the end fulfillment it will not deceive or disappoint though it tarry , wait earnestly for it for it because it will surely come, it will not be-hindered on it s appointed day! The Vision shall be seen fully as you focus upon my will, Focus: the center of interest or activity, focal point, CORE, clear vision. A little Clarity goes a LONG way! Exp commercial on bus and glasses) Word I received two Sundays ago In prayer: The reason why people are not able to see right, is because they are seeing from their own will. They are not seeing from my will, you need to be declaring and setting an establishment and declare and say, that we will not have our own will , but will would stand before this day and SAY, THY will father God, they will be done, not our will, Father Lord Jesus was sharing with me that he is bringing the maturity of the time, And that the maturity of the time is putting a demand on his will being done on the earth, That the reason why what we see is not being established and we have fallen pry to that is because we have asked for they own will be done with you to bless, it but lord this day we reverse that curse in the name of Jesus. We reverse that understanding and we say: this day we will be a people, who will raise a Standard God who will say, LORD not my will but thy will be done, Lord I will not set on knowing my will, but say lord teach me thy will, for lord Jesus you summons only your will, to be done on the earth. And we have been summonsing our selves God, we have been summonsing a calling, we have been summonsing a gifts, we repent this day and say reverse it God and let us be summons by your will, and your will only, which cares the rest with it God. But Father as we go out in your will, Father hearts will be turned, for you said it is your will that the hearts of the children be turned to the fathers and the fathers to the children in mal 4:6. And I believe Father God that we have had a curse on this very land, we have had a curse on this very territory, because we have wanted our own will over the will of you God but today we say, we will stand as Sons of God, that will do nothing unless we see you FAther, and when we see you Lord, we know it is your will. Summons to us God and we will go forth father. Just like you said in your word , you told John he was favorable you told John to go, and that souls will be saved, Father we have been crying out for souls to be saved, but we have went the wrong way about it, and we repent for that God we lay it before you Father, We ask that you take every foundation of that of which is broken and demolish it , where we can never stand on it again, and stand only on the will of you Father, Father we want your will more than our own God, we cry out, we cry out ,we cry out! lord change us , shape us, mold us, I don't care how old you are in The Lord, today The Lord is saying to you give me your will so I can reshape you and reform you into my will the way I would do it into my purpose, into my way, and understanding it. It is the turning of the wills to come forth, and The Lord said in that shall I grant you, fresh Covenant this day, human covenant, ( like made with Jacob, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, ) A covenant between you and me this day, I speak to every one of the hearts, that is willing to say lay myself down God, no longer me God, no longer even what I might of understood God, bring Fresh Insight God, Bring fresh understanding, I am willing I am not stuck in my way, We got to repent for being stuck in our ways, if you don't like change you need to repent, for God is a changing, how by Changing the Way we think, God he is the same yesterday today and forever, but the times of him are changing, we are changing in him, we must change the way we think, it is us, that he changes not him, let him have his will in you, his ways, His Identity , his character, God if i have anything in me that is not of your character i lay it down i ask that you show it unto me lord i don't want to be deceived in this hour, I don't want to be walking around deceived and lost in this hour, let me not be smart in my own-self or ways, but let me be smart in you oh God, for your will, it will establish on this earth, and I thank you for that, Lord shake all that needs shaken, remove all that needs removed, change it lord, rearrange me lord, bring focus unto me, let me not in one not even a crack walk in false reality, Lord bring true reality true clarity true depths of you alive in us! You must be established on what my will is, you must KNOW what my will is, you must stand on it, you must refuse to move off of it, move not off of what my will is it will be established it will not be carried away, it will carry forth to the appointed time, it will manifest, do not grow weary in well doing, do not give up, don't throw in the towel, you have not seen correctly you haven't seen of the fullness of my will, my will carries trial with it, my will carries things that will strengthen you and equip you for the days of Darkness that are at hand, I am not out for just the end result, i am for all the in between, quit looking for just the end result look for all that you gain in between in the process of my will be established it is that process that position that will bring many unto me, You must lay down the flesh in his hour, you must allow me to divide your soul from your spirit, choice you this day which you shall Serve, your mind ,your will your emotions, or my spirit, saith The Lord. It is the hour of my character, it is the hour our solid foundation, it comes only as you set your face like flint as you set your mind upon me as you tend your flesh and choose whom you shall serve, you cannot have both in this day, you must choose which way you shall go, we are winding the times, we are coming of the age of the maturing of times maturing of the age, it is a MUST day, you and you alone can say I choose this, I choose that you have been given the power of Choice, the Power of Covenant you choose your will or my will my covenant I have granted you , or the covenant with your flesh .. ITS Up to you! It is an inner life experience that must come forth on the outside! And what you really got inside, its going to show outside, today is the day of dealing! It is TIME it is Aligned It is set, LOOK INwardly, TELL ME WHAT YOU SEE! Now let me words of my will touch you, and LOOK AGAIN and tell me what you see! In closing as I was preparing this message and time for this morning I had a vision. ALTAR: ( vision of altar all coming forth and laying down their own wills and laying down flesh, and wrong characteristic traits, all our Own MO and Old Patterns techniques etc all Old Mode of Operations. And I seen a beautiful Exchange : an exchange from our will, to his summons will, to his Mode of Operation for our lives. Crying out make an overcomer out of me Father, not my will, but they will be done! Set upon me your will that is ordained for this year 2014 the year of deliverance and Gathering of the wills! And I seen the heart of the Father in his glory flooding this place and the hearts that come before him, there was sadness to, for some refused to come, they refused to make the step of laying down, they thought they could do it from their seats ( see this was flesh it was rebellion to authority and pride of heart, it was their own way speaking in the midst of the precious exchange the Father has brought, ) I cried out and said NO LORD, I pray let not self will get in your way I plead for the people........ I stand in the Gap, and since then I have been on my face today interceding for this very moment that every Heart here would be touched, would heed the instruction, would lay down their own MO and receive the MO of the Father this day! So at this time: This Altar is open for your exchange this day for the FATHERS MODE OF OPERATION TO BE GIVEN INSIGHT AND UNDERSTANDING AND MADE AFRESH A NEW UNTO YOU
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