We are Non-denominational Bilingual Ministry who believe in the trinity and are full of the Holy Ghost and Fire and walk in the fullness of the Spirit of God ready in season and out to bring the hurting bound people the goodness and Freedom that Jesus paid for them to have. 2nd Corinthians 3:17 Say’s where the Spirit of the Lord is there is FREEDOM! We are called by the Lord to bring Luke 4:18-19 to all his children. We are anointed to preach the gospel to the poor. He has sent us to heal the broken hearted, to preach deliverance to the captives and recovering of sight unto the blind, and to set at liberty (freedom) them that are bruised. To preach the acceptable year of the Lord across the Nations! To show his people the true Freedom that was paid for on the cross. To bring a Rhema Word that will bring a consuming fire upon the devils devices in people’s lives. For John 8:36 say’s whom the Son sets free is free indeed! Where the spirit of the Lord is there is Freedom! We are Offering the Love & Freedom of Jesus to the whole world and spiritual guidance to those seeking a life with the Lord Jesus Christ. We offer unconditional Love to those whom most have forgotten and the ones the world has thrown away. We believe in 2nd chances and so does Jesus!
Prophetic Mentoring On A Personal Basis- Training and equipping for the call's is a portion of our God given design:
As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. (Prov 27:17)
I am deeply grateful to God for the prophetic mentoring that the Holy Spirit gave me. I didn’t have anyone to mentor me in my years of learning. I encountered jealousy and envy instead of mentor-ship.
As prophetic team members, we are also constantly encouraging and spurring each other on to growth. We have observed growth take place by leaps and bounds in this season. That was the significance of last week's assignment for you as individuals to recall what has taken place in this session and to confirm by your own account your growth.
As I look back over my life—and especially the 20+ years of growing in the spiritual gift of prophecy—I can identify many people who have played a significant role in my growth, Pastor Greg Zoschak, Apostle Jay Swallow, Apostle Mark Shell, James Goll, Jennifer LeClaire, Paula White, Cindy Trimm, and my Apostle now, Apostle Ryan Lestrange.
However, not all of the prophetic growth I received during the early years had a positive effect on me. Some of the difficulties that I experienced in church life were as a result of that jealousy and envy that led me down some very hard times, but it was those times I know can be a full leader in which in mentoring you, I know what to do as well as what not to do. That is complete leadership.
In my book that is in my heart and truly hope to reveal in 2020, ’Igniting Your Prophetic and Prayer Gifts’, It’s focal points will be prophetic mentoring, especially during the stage of developing our spiritual gift of prophecy. For I strongly sense in 2020 Mentors will rise, those who have been taught and mentored, even those who have been taught by the Holy Spirit. Today I look at the goal of mentoring and some different ways that personal prophetic mentoring can take place. In next week’s lesson, I will discuss specific aspects that are vital to a healthy mentoring relationship, and the power of accountability.
Why have Personal Prophetic Mentoring?
‘Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.’ (Phil 4:9)
Prophetic mentoring is a form of discipleship that is focused on developing a person’s prophetic gift and ministry. Examples of general mentoring in Scripture include Moses and Joshua, Mordecai and Esther, Naomi and Ruth, Jesus and His disciples, and Paul and Timothy.
The best-known example of personal prophetic mentoring in the Bible is the relationship between Elijah and Elisha, who succeeded him as Prophet. Listen the mentor must be whole, must understand the ordained process, the mentored is to rise above the mentor. This is where the battle is, and struggle of which envy and jealousy comes forth.
We see from the Bible’s example that personal mentoring is one of the valuable means that God uses to equip us in our character, relationship with God, gifts and calling.
The aim of mentoring is to help us reach our potential—mature in Christ, develop our gifts and fulfil the call of God upon our lives.
Different forms of Personal Prophetic Mentoring
Prophetic mentoring can take place in many different ways:
• Our mentoring contact can be occasional, frequent, or continual
• It can be intentional, with personal mentoring as a stated purpose
• It can also occur being in an environment where we are under prophetic leadership or on a prophetic team (peer mentoring)
• Mentoring can be primarily relational. In this case, we do not minister alongside the mentor (tough some of you do travel with me), but meet via online in these courses for the express purpose of receiving sound teachings, insights and advice.
• It can also occur as an apprenticeship, where we are learning as we minister alongside our mentor.
• Mentoring can also occur as we focus on simply serving, blessing and assisting our mentor.
Elisha had the role of Elijah’s servant before he was released into the fullness of his calling. This is the type of mentor-ship I did have with Pastor Greg Zoschak and Jay Swallow in actual ministry in the church as a preacher/minister.
What if I don’t have a Prophetic Mentor?
For this teaching I'm touching us here, but a whole teaching as well, for you need to know why one needs a mentor and the benefits of mentor-ship as well as the losses of not having one.
If you do not currently have a personal mentor, here are some things to consider:
• Distance mentoring can be useful (such as learning from blogs, books and courses). Remember that you won’t benefit from personal accountability and character building when your teacher does not personally know you. [3, 4]
• Mentoring in other areas, such as leadership or church life can also supplement our prophetic ministry. Embrace these opportunities when God gives them and don’t consider them second rate.
• Finally, trust your Heavenly Father, that He will bring people around your life to mentor you at the right time.
• Note there are many types of mentoring and categories or areas in which need specialist in them, that’s what I call a true mentor, a specialist. I specialize in the Apostolic and Prophetic arena. I hold several different types of mentor-ship classes, SOP- Apostolic Encounters- and coming in 2023 School of Ministry.
8 Essentials of Healthy Prophetic Mentoring
Today I want us tribe to be considering the question, ‘What should I look for in a personal prophetic mentor?’ Note: most of these points also apply to other mentoring situations in church life—especially leadership.
You may consider that someone who has an anointed prophetic gift, and is bearing fruit in his or her ministry, would be an ideal mentor. However, the best mentors also exhibit other characteristics that are equally important.
In 2020 Mentors shall arise like never seen before, they will be strategist, and specialist in specific areas, NOT, a little of this and little of that, a true specialist. They will find a hunger to raise up other specialist in their area of expertise.
Are you interested in giving or receiving prophetic mentoring? Here are some things to look for in a prophetic mentoring relationship:
1. The Mentor Encourages you in Intimacy with God
The source of prophetic revelation is in our intimate relationship with God. A prophetic mentor should demonstrate a life of communion with God and not only branch you on in this area—but also by their own example cause you to hunger to get closer to God.
2. Importance is Placed upon Character
There is more to mentoring than passing on information and good training. A Godly mentor will not hold back when he or she sees issues of character in your life that need addressing.
Integrity, purity of heart and lifestyle, the quality of our family life, honoring leaders and persevering during tough times are examples of character issues that are critical in developing our maturity in prophetic ministry.
Growing in the prophetic—hearing God’s voice, receiving visions, knowing His heart and so on—is extremely simple. At times we overly complicate this scene. It is a relational issue. Just hang out with Jesus; He likes talking to His friends.
Growing in character requires the same strategy. The focus of the prophetic is being with God and learning to lean our heads on our Beloved, as the disciple John did. It is showing up and being where God is.
It is not hiding but relating. Bottom line, that is how all this wonderful activity takes place. Remember, it is not what you know but whom you know.
3. Accountability
A good mentor will both encourage you in, and be an example of, being accountable and honoring leadership.
Two questions to ask concerning a potential mentor are:
• ‘What authority are they under?
• Who do they relate to?’
This may include a board, if they are involved in a Christian organization. I believe it is also important to find mentors who have a strong connection to their own local church, where they are in good standing.
Be watchful and avoid any teaching or mentoring that promotes independence, a lack of accountability and moving out from the authority of your church oversight.
4. DNA is Taken into Account
Where are you currently expressing your prophetic ministry? Your own church or Christian organization has its own unique DNA. This includes culture, vision, mission, values and teaching emphases.
If you are receiving mentoring from someone (or a group) who is outside your situation, it is important to be aware of any differences in DNA and take these into account.
Differences in vision, values and teaching can cause personal frustrations. If we are not careful, this may result in attempting to impose values or expectations that we have received from a mentoring situation onto leaders in our own church or situation.
Ideally, your mentor should have a similar ‘DNA’ to that of the church or organization you are ministering with.
5. Your Mentor is Faith-Filled and has a Positive Attitude
A mentor should be faith-filled and have a positive expectation of enlargement in his or her ministry and walk with God.
Keep in mind that as you are being mentored, you not only learn prophetic skills and gifts, but you also pick up your mentor’s attitudes and beliefs.
If you are getting to know a potential mentor and they speak negatively about other prophetic leaders or are bitter about unfulfilled ministry expectations, beware!
6. A Healthy, not Dependent, Relationship
The joy of a parent bird is to see their offspring spread their wings and leave the nest. In the same way, the goal of mentoring is to see that mentored grow to their fullest potential and maturity.
We need to guard against unhealthy dependence or co-dependence in a mentoring relationship. A good mentor will be aware of this.
7. Humility and Openness
The best mentors are transparent about their own prophetic journey, including their weaknesses and failures. They give the greatest gift of mentoring—the wisdom of learning from their mistakes, so that we do not need to repeat them.
This is one of my greatest weapons in my arsenal of wisdom he granted me and you hear me speak of it all the time. It is not enough to know what to do, you must know what not to do. This is a full package.
Godly mentors have humility—and this shows in their ability to share their journey without masking the tough times and their mistakes. Humility is also shown when a mentor is able to apologies to yourself or others when the need arises.
Likewise, it is important that we are transparent and teachable in receiving mentoring, otherwise we will not reap the benefit of the mentoring process.
8. A Natural Approach to Prophecy
Prophecy springs from having the Father’s love for people as individuals, as well as love for the church.
The best mentors are genuine, down-to-earth people who can relate to both church leadership and ordinary people off the street as they operate in their gift. They have a natural approach to prophecy and do not put people off by their expression of spirituality.
Listen tribe my ceiling should be your floor! That’s not only my heart, but it is His principle of mentor-ship.
Let's look at our final point of today's blog. TRUE IMPORTANCE OF RELATIONSHIPS. We must allow God and those He has appointed as our spiritual overseers/mentors to show us our weed/seed attitudes and remove the newly sprouted character flaws before they grow intertwined with our personality and performance. The longer we wait, the more drastic the process becomes.
Character Signs along the Way The writer of Hebrews finished his letter with these words: “Now the God of peace . . . equip you in every good thing to do His will, working in us that which is pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ”
(Hebrews 13:20–21). It is through Jesus Christ that He equips us, develops our character and works in us what is well pleasing. Here are ten points to consider as God takes you through this often-challenging process:
Tribe we must learn to value “team life.” Realize you need others to help watch out for you, your family and your priorities. Become accountable in motives, finances, morality and other major areas of natural and spiritual life.
PRAYER Lord Jesus, I desire to be a person of genuine faith—a pioneer taking new territory, declaring the word of the Lord with clarity, love and a servant’s heart. My heart wanders and I want to go my own way. Help me to stay close to You and grow in strength of character. I want to share Your Word, and I also want to be Your living word. I am going for the double fullness of the likeness of Christ expressed in my life in both godly character and resurrection power. I want to be like You, Jesus. You are beautiful. Amen.
As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. (Prov 27:17)
I am deeply grateful to God for the prophetic mentoring that the Holy Spirit gave me. I didn’t have anyone to mentor me in my years of learning. I encountered jealousy and envy instead of mentor-ship.
As prophetic team members, we are also constantly encouraging and spurring each other on to growth. We have observed growth take place by leaps and bounds in this season. That was the significance of last week's assignment for you as individuals to recall what has taken place in this session and to confirm by your own account your growth.
As I look back over my life—and especially the 20+ years of growing in the spiritual gift of prophecy—I can identify many people who have played a significant role in my growth, Pastor Greg Zoschak, Apostle Jay Swallow, Apostle Mark Shell, James Goll, Jennifer LeClaire, Paula White, Cindy Trimm, and my Apostle now, Apostle Ryan Lestrange.
However, not all of the prophetic growth I received during the early years had a positive effect on me. Some of the difficulties that I experienced in church life were as a result of that jealousy and envy that led me down some very hard times, but it was those times I know can be a full leader in which in mentoring you, I know what to do as well as what not to do. That is complete leadership.
In my book that is in my heart and truly hope to reveal in 2020, ’Igniting Your Prophetic and Prayer Gifts’, It’s focal points will be prophetic mentoring, especially during the stage of developing our spiritual gift of prophecy. For I strongly sense in 2020 Mentors will rise, those who have been taught and mentored, even those who have been taught by the Holy Spirit. Today I look at the goal of mentoring and some different ways that personal prophetic mentoring can take place. In next week’s lesson, I will discuss specific aspects that are vital to a healthy mentoring relationship, and the power of accountability.
Why have Personal Prophetic Mentoring?
‘Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.’ (Phil 4:9)
Prophetic mentoring is a form of discipleship that is focused on developing a person’s prophetic gift and ministry. Examples of general mentoring in Scripture include Moses and Joshua, Mordecai and Esther, Naomi and Ruth, Jesus and His disciples, and Paul and Timothy.
The best-known example of personal prophetic mentoring in the Bible is the relationship between Elijah and Elisha, who succeeded him as Prophet. Listen the mentor must be whole, must understand the ordained process, the mentored is to rise above the mentor. This is where the battle is, and struggle of which envy and jealousy comes forth.
We see from the Bible’s example that personal mentoring is one of the valuable means that God uses to equip us in our character, relationship with God, gifts and calling.
The aim of mentoring is to help us reach our potential—mature in Christ, develop our gifts and fulfil the call of God upon our lives.
Different forms of Personal Prophetic Mentoring
Prophetic mentoring can take place in many different ways:
• Our mentoring contact can be occasional, frequent, or continual
• It can be intentional, with personal mentoring as a stated purpose
• It can also occur being in an environment where we are under prophetic leadership or on a prophetic team (peer mentoring)
• Mentoring can be primarily relational. In this case, we do not minister alongside the mentor (tough some of you do travel with me), but meet via online in these courses for the express purpose of receiving sound teachings, insights and advice.
• It can also occur as an apprenticeship, where we are learning as we minister alongside our mentor.
• Mentoring can also occur as we focus on simply serving, blessing and assisting our mentor.
Elisha had the role of Elijah’s servant before he was released into the fullness of his calling. This is the type of mentor-ship I did have with Pastor Greg Zoschak and Jay Swallow in actual ministry in the church as a preacher/minister.
What if I don’t have a Prophetic Mentor?
For this teaching I'm touching us here, but a whole teaching as well, for you need to know why one needs a mentor and the benefits of mentor-ship as well as the losses of not having one.
If you do not currently have a personal mentor, here are some things to consider:
• Distance mentoring can be useful (such as learning from blogs, books and courses). Remember that you won’t benefit from personal accountability and character building when your teacher does not personally know you. [3, 4]
• Mentoring in other areas, such as leadership or church life can also supplement our prophetic ministry. Embrace these opportunities when God gives them and don’t consider them second rate.
• Finally, trust your Heavenly Father, that He will bring people around your life to mentor you at the right time.
• Note there are many types of mentoring and categories or areas in which need specialist in them, that’s what I call a true mentor, a specialist. I specialize in the Apostolic and Prophetic arena. I hold several different types of mentor-ship classes, SOP- Apostolic Encounters- and coming in 2023 School of Ministry.
8 Essentials of Healthy Prophetic Mentoring
Today I want us tribe to be considering the question, ‘What should I look for in a personal prophetic mentor?’ Note: most of these points also apply to other mentoring situations in church life—especially leadership.
You may consider that someone who has an anointed prophetic gift, and is bearing fruit in his or her ministry, would be an ideal mentor. However, the best mentors also exhibit other characteristics that are equally important.
In 2020 Mentors shall arise like never seen before, they will be strategist, and specialist in specific areas, NOT, a little of this and little of that, a true specialist. They will find a hunger to raise up other specialist in their area of expertise.
Are you interested in giving or receiving prophetic mentoring? Here are some things to look for in a prophetic mentoring relationship:
1. The Mentor Encourages you in Intimacy with God
The source of prophetic revelation is in our intimate relationship with God. A prophetic mentor should demonstrate a life of communion with God and not only branch you on in this area—but also by their own example cause you to hunger to get closer to God.
2. Importance is Placed upon Character
There is more to mentoring than passing on information and good training. A Godly mentor will not hold back when he or she sees issues of character in your life that need addressing.
Integrity, purity of heart and lifestyle, the quality of our family life, honoring leaders and persevering during tough times are examples of character issues that are critical in developing our maturity in prophetic ministry.
Growing in the prophetic—hearing God’s voice, receiving visions, knowing His heart and so on—is extremely simple. At times we overly complicate this scene. It is a relational issue. Just hang out with Jesus; He likes talking to His friends.
Growing in character requires the same strategy. The focus of the prophetic is being with God and learning to lean our heads on our Beloved, as the disciple John did. It is showing up and being where God is.
It is not hiding but relating. Bottom line, that is how all this wonderful activity takes place. Remember, it is not what you know but whom you know.
3. Accountability
A good mentor will both encourage you in, and be an example of, being accountable and honoring leadership.
Two questions to ask concerning a potential mentor are:
• ‘What authority are they under?
• Who do they relate to?’
This may include a board, if they are involved in a Christian organization. I believe it is also important to find mentors who have a strong connection to their own local church, where they are in good standing.
Be watchful and avoid any teaching or mentoring that promotes independence, a lack of accountability and moving out from the authority of your church oversight.
4. DNA is Taken into Account
Where are you currently expressing your prophetic ministry? Your own church or Christian organization has its own unique DNA. This includes culture, vision, mission, values and teaching emphases.
If you are receiving mentoring from someone (or a group) who is outside your situation, it is important to be aware of any differences in DNA and take these into account.
Differences in vision, values and teaching can cause personal frustrations. If we are not careful, this may result in attempting to impose values or expectations that we have received from a mentoring situation onto leaders in our own church or situation.
Ideally, your mentor should have a similar ‘DNA’ to that of the church or organization you are ministering with.
5. Your Mentor is Faith-Filled and has a Positive Attitude
A mentor should be faith-filled and have a positive expectation of enlargement in his or her ministry and walk with God.
Keep in mind that as you are being mentored, you not only learn prophetic skills and gifts, but you also pick up your mentor’s attitudes and beliefs.
If you are getting to know a potential mentor and they speak negatively about other prophetic leaders or are bitter about unfulfilled ministry expectations, beware!
6. A Healthy, not Dependent, Relationship
The joy of a parent bird is to see their offspring spread their wings and leave the nest. In the same way, the goal of mentoring is to see that mentored grow to their fullest potential and maturity.
We need to guard against unhealthy dependence or co-dependence in a mentoring relationship. A good mentor will be aware of this.
7. Humility and Openness
The best mentors are transparent about their own prophetic journey, including their weaknesses and failures. They give the greatest gift of mentoring—the wisdom of learning from their mistakes, so that we do not need to repeat them.
This is one of my greatest weapons in my arsenal of wisdom he granted me and you hear me speak of it all the time. It is not enough to know what to do, you must know what not to do. This is a full package.
Godly mentors have humility—and this shows in their ability to share their journey without masking the tough times and their mistakes. Humility is also shown when a mentor is able to apologies to yourself or others when the need arises.
Likewise, it is important that we are transparent and teachable in receiving mentoring, otherwise we will not reap the benefit of the mentoring process.
8. A Natural Approach to Prophecy
Prophecy springs from having the Father’s love for people as individuals, as well as love for the church.
The best mentors are genuine, down-to-earth people who can relate to both church leadership and ordinary people off the street as they operate in their gift. They have a natural approach to prophecy and do not put people off by their expression of spirituality.
Listen tribe my ceiling should be your floor! That’s not only my heart, but it is His principle of mentor-ship.
Let's look at our final point of today's blog. TRUE IMPORTANCE OF RELATIONSHIPS. We must allow God and those He has appointed as our spiritual overseers/mentors to show us our weed/seed attitudes and remove the newly sprouted character flaws before they grow intertwined with our personality and performance. The longer we wait, the more drastic the process becomes.
Character Signs along the Way The writer of Hebrews finished his letter with these words: “Now the God of peace . . . equip you in every good thing to do His will, working in us that which is pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ”
(Hebrews 13:20–21). It is through Jesus Christ that He equips us, develops our character and works in us what is well pleasing. Here are ten points to consider as God takes you through this often-challenging process:
Tribe we must learn to value “team life.” Realize you need others to help watch out for you, your family and your priorities. Become accountable in motives, finances, morality and other major areas of natural and spiritual life.
PRAYER Lord Jesus, I desire to be a person of genuine faith—a pioneer taking new territory, declaring the word of the Lord with clarity, love and a servant’s heart. My heart wanders and I want to go my own way. Help me to stay close to You and grow in strength of character. I want to share Your Word, and I also want to be Your living word. I am going for the double fullness of the likeness of Christ expressed in my life in both godly character and resurrection power. I want to be like You, Jesus. You are beautiful. Amen.